Jan 9, 2011 16:51:58 GMT -5
Post by E'VATHRELLE Y'ISIS ATH'WOR'AEN on Jan 9, 2011 16:51:58 GMT -5
N A M E Flyy
C O N T A C T S find me in the cbox, PM this account or my admin account (xflybabyx)
O T H E R . C H A R A C T E R S don’t feel like listing themm~
R A N D O M . F A C T I’m craving…tuna pate XD
N A M E E'vathrelle Y'isis Ath'wor'aen
N I C K N A M E S Evie
A G E twenty-three
B I R T H D A T E November 27
G E N D E R female
S E X U A L I T Y fey
O C C U P A T I O N bodyguard for nobility and royalty, and a messenger when there is no work in the former category available
M A G I C ?
Air: This is her strongest power and she’s stubbornly worked at it until she’s reached Class A. Evie knew that in order to work in the castle, so close to royalty and other nobility she would have to excel in her field. She will use Air from simple things such as levitating items toward herself when she’s lazy, to using it as a shield on herself --or those close to her, or those she’s been put in charge to protect—to using it as a weapon by pushing, shoving, or even by forming sharp shapes with which to fight. She is always trying to learn better, faster ways to use this power.
Metal: This power is her weakest and she is only at a Class B as of right now, but it’s come in handy. Especially when in her teens she worked with her father, who happens to be a smith. With this ability as well as the knowledge she’s sponged up by helping her father, Evie knows how to tell a good weapon apart from one that is not so good. She’s tried using her Metal ability to alter her blade while she’s practicing, but she’s not quite there yet. Her concentration can still waver, and she often opts for using her beloved Air ability over Metal.
Air -- Level 2 -- Class A
Metal -- Level 1 -- Class B
H E I G H T five feet and seven inches tall
W E I G H T while she is thin, she does have lean muscle on her. Evie weighs about 120 lbs on average.
B U I L D Slender but toned. Her breasts are not the largest, but they are noticeable; She doesn’t have much curve otherwise. Her skin is smooth and with only a few small scars. Evie’s legs are long and will attract the attention if she wears a shorter dress or tighter pants.
E Y E S a dark but warm brown. They can be quite expressive. Her lashes are darker and long enough for some other women to get jealous. Her brows are as dark as her hair, and arch elegantly above each eye; they are not thick by nature.
H A I R Evie’s hair is darker and a colder hue than that of her eyes. She keeps it short –especially for a girl—the longest strands reaching almost to her jaw line. At the top of her head, the dark brown strands tend to stick up in a few directions. But she likes it that way and doesn’t bother fixing it.
I D E N T I F I E R S Her short hair as well as the masculine way she dresses and carries herself.
A P P E A R A N C E The first thing one would think when catching sight of Evie would either be “effeminate male” or “tomboy”. Due to the masculine way she carries herself, the first choice is usually the most common. Her occupation only helps to enforce that opinion. Evie has never been seen to wear anything too feminine, frilly or with flowers on it. She avoids pink hues, and has a liking for greys and blues in her wardrobe. Evie’s favourite footwear would have to be soft leather knee high boots. They are perfect for riding, as well as hiking, or just for simple walking. She would dislike having to change her shoes too often for no valid reason other than the activity she is taking part in. When she is absolutely required to dress up, Evie will either wear a pair of nicely cut pants, or a slim skirt. Her upper body would be dressed in a shirt –usually white, grey or blue— with the top buttons undone. For jewellery she would wear a few rings, a bracelet or two, and a silver chain embedded with sapphires. On a day-to-day basis, Evie will usually be seen in a pair of her knee-high boots, custom cut riding breeches and a loose shirt –either tucked or un-tucked; the top buttons of the shirt would be undone in the summer, and closed during the winter. In the cold months, Evie will also wear a coat, scarf and other protection from the chill.
L I K E S horses, riding, her occupation, women, the smell of cherry blossoms, chocolate cake, roasted chicken, summer mornings, winter nights, the ocean, cooked potatoes with salt and butter, Kwondi wine, red wine, loyalty, the royal family, having a purpose, reading, swimming, sleeping in, soft beds, breakfast in bed, cats, most animals, climbing trees, climbing cliffs, hiking, sword fighting
D I S L I K E S those who abuse their authority, others making jokes or assuming about her sexual orientations simply because of how she looks and behaves, being hungry, being thirsty, bruises that go to the bone, people assuming things about her and her family without asking first, nosy people, gossip.
F E A R S injuring herself to a point where she can’t ride anymore, losing her magic, never getting the opportunity to fall in love
S T R E N G T H S her willpower and determination, her stability, thinking rationally in most situations, being extremely loyal to those who deserve it
W E A K N E S S E S she gets random impulses, her stubbornness, her temper, her feelings for Niendra’s only princess.
Q U I R K S when a strand of hair tickles her face, she will blow at it rather than reach up to shove it aside
G O A L S to keep herself alive and whole, to remain loyal to the crown, and to find love someday
P E R S O N A L I T Y Evie will seem a little boyish and most of the things she does and the ways in which she behaves. The way she stands, and even the words she uses cannot be categorized under ‘feminine’. She has her moments of course, especially when she’s around people she likes and trusts and/or animals. Evie is very loyal, and she is a very good listener if she isn’t in a bad mood at the time or if the person talking to her doesn’t irk her. Evie is protective, and her senses are sharp, which makes her ideal for her job. Another reason why she was given a job in a generally male dominated field is because she is as boyish as she is and most men don’t look at her twice. Evie can be quite determined, and often times even stubborn. It is trough this determination however and her will power that she has gone from being a commoner living in the poor parts of Karenth to working in the palace. She likes that she can work in such an honourable place, and also that she can wear good quality clothes and make good money, but she has not become cocky or arrogant due to this. The girl is also quick to put those who have become this way back into their place; she dislikes arrogance.
Shia’ah Ath'wor'aen -- father -- 49
Theralynne Ath'wor'aen -- mother -- 45
______ Ath'wor'aen -- brother -- 22
______ Ath'wor'aen -- brother -- 19
______ Ath'wor'aen -- sister -- 18
______ Ath'wor'aen -- brother -- 16
P L A C E . O F . B I R T H Karenth, Niendra
E’vathrelle was the first child born to the smith Shia’ah and his weaver wife Theralynne. He was a little disappointed, having hoped for an heir to the business right off the bat, however E’vathrelle was welcomed into the family and loved none the less. Two years later they were blessed with their first boy, and in the years to follow two more boys and a girl joined the family. While growing up, the Ath’wor’aen children were loved equally by their parents and given the best clothing, food and possessions the family could afford. When Evie was about ten years old, she’d spent quite a bit of time in her father’s shop, and was familiar with most of what happened there. Her younger brother, the oldest boy of the family showed no interest in metal or working with it. Shia’ah didn’t want to wait for the next son to grow, therefore he started teaching Evie about how to work with metals, how to tell the differences with them, and any other information that came with the field. Evie liked the heat of the fires, and the constant clanging of men beating at metal. She was in her element.
It turned out that those words were more than true when her ability for Metal made itself known. It was not as powerful as her father’s, but it was certainly useful once it stopped causing problems. When the second son was old enough to decide where he wanted to go with his life, he decided he wanted to become a soldier. Therefore Evie remained as their father’s apprentice. Everything changed for the family however when the smith shop burned to the ground one night. Luckily the family didn’t reside right above the shop, as was common. But they suddenly lacked a considerable amount of income.
Evie and her brothers went to find work in the city, putting their dreams on hold for the good of the family –the youngest son and daughter were yet too young to do anything but help around their mother around the house.
As fate would have it, Evie had an encounter with one who made his living out of detecting power. He sensed her Metal ability, as well as her newly-awakened Air magic. With his recommendation she began working at the palace as a guard in training.
However she showed promise, and when she showed her quick learning and her strong will, she found herself training to be a bodyguard for nobility.
Now, years later she has specialized in guarding the lives of those a part of the royal family. However with the king and queen ill and in bed, she has been lacking in work. Therefore she has been used as a messenger for a few months now. While she does enjoy travel, it is not for pleasure’s sake, and she likes the time spent in Karenth the best.
C O D E . W O R D -adminedit-
S A M P L E . P O S T psha.