Sa'achern, Denri Rewn
Dec 24, 2010 23:03:00 GMT -5
Post by Denri Sa'achern on Dec 24, 2010 23:03:00 GMT -5
N A M E Nemaisare, though Nemai/Nem works fine too
C O N T A C T S Just PM & Chatbox please and thanks
O T H E R . C H A R A C T E R S Zippedee doo dah
R A N D O M . F A C T I was a dog when I was three…
N A M E Prince Denri Rewn Sa’achern
N I C K N A M E S Den, Rewn
A G E 20
B I R T H D A T E August 12
G E N D E R Male
S E X U A L I T Y Heterosexual
O C C U P A T I O N Seething. He’s a Prince of Carthonia, if he truly must find another occupation, then the world’s gone daft.
M A G I C ? Denri has somehow managed to mix his two powers together until it seems one is nothing more than the other. In this case, that his elemental powers are nothing more than a simple illusion that doesn’t last for long. This came about because he wanted to be better than his brother and tried to achieve that by lying. His elemental powers manifested themselves first, but they came along one at a time, so no one, including him, realised that he had more than one. At least, not for a while. So, to make up for it, his illusion power began showing him what he could do, if he only knew about it, by tapping into his wishful thinking and a small bit of his elemental power and doing what he’d been hoping would happen. Except, of course, that it was all mostly illusion and easily seen through. (More in history)He has learned control of his own powers to a fairly impressive degree, considering that he still doesn’t know half of what he can do with one of them, but he also learned from his tutors the proper ways of converting the energy he needs for his magic and he can protect himself, a very important point for his mother, by creating a shield of energy around his body. Sometimes he can extend it to include others, or create a wall farther away, but unless he’s within the circle, it won’t close completely. And it takes more effort that way.
Illusion- As his mother’s son, Denri has long been able to work with his illusion powers quite well. She hired the best of tutors and even taught him herself whenever he came to her with a question. So, while his magic is nowhere near as strong as his brother’s or his mother’s, he does have it under control (including the element thing), but he doesn’t use it very often since the power seems like nothing but a good example of him being second best. Or in this case, third… Mostly because he cannot make the illusions seem very real, no matter how hard he tries, and believes it unlikely that he will ever manage it. If he focuses on one aspect, such as sight, then the detail will be absolutely amazing in that one area, but everything else, touch, scent, sound and otherwise will be missing. So he is still learning how to find the balance between all the senses that will give him the best effect without sacrificing any one area too much.
Elemental- Despite the fact that few recognised his potential even after he tried to convince them, and that he himself realised them rather later in his life, Denri has managed to gain a somewhat fair grasp of his elemental powers on his own and with a little sideways help from his mother because, while she might not have believed him entirely, she still acceded to his wish when he said he wanted a teacher to help him with his element control. He has an affinity for electricity and fire that makes both of those elements easier for him to summon and control, but his success is still rather spotty with the others. Most of what he does is instinctive; with a bit of knowledge from his tutor thrown in to keep him from panicking too much when something funny happens. Usually, his control is fairly good, but he hasn’t actually tested himself against anyone except his brother, and then he fights fire with fire only. He has yet to do anything on a huge scale and isn’t certain if that will be easier or harder than small things. However, he has noticed that once he manages something, it is fairly easy to keep it going for quite some time, just so long as he doesn’t lose control of the working.
Electricity- This is his favourite element, and he has been known to stand out in the rain and enjoy a good thunderstorm with sparks flying about his frame as he pulls the electrical charges from the air and makes them dance between his fingers or just about his person. He has yet to be brave enough to call real lightning to him rather than divert it, since he isn’t altogether certain what would happen if he did that. He generally has fairly good control of this element except when he gets angry, then he gives off sparks and touching him is usually a bad idea.
Fire- He likes fire because of its warmth and always changing nature. The danger it can represent is a plus, as far as he is concerned, because it only makes dealing with it that much more exciting. He has managed, on a few occasions, to summon fire with a snap of his fingers into the palm of his hand and then to make it grow, and he has a very definite grasp of how to lightly control it with his magic so that he doesn’t have to force it into anything. Which means less of a struggle on his part, but more concentration, so distracting him when he’s working with fire probably isn’t a good idea.
Wind- Wind sort of comes along with any storm, and he’s experimented a bit calling it up himself when there isn’t any. The first time he tried, he was inside and made a rather large mess of his room, but no one believed he’d done it magically because he couldn’t make the wind come back. Now, he can control it more reliably, but only if it is a wind he summoned himself, the natural wind always manages to elude his attempts to control it.
Earth- His workings with the earth have mostly consisted of sand. Or very loose soil. Its looseness compared with heavy stone or compacted ground makes it very different to work with, for him at least, and he thinks it is a lot easier to make shifting sands hard than to make hard earth soft and moveable.
Metal- Since he’s never really come into contact with the shaping of metals and the like. Working with this element is mostly with blades, and he can make them stronger or keep their edge, although he’s occasionally made a sword snap because he concentrated too much on the edge and made the rest weak.
Water- Denri doesn’t like water… Mostly, with this element, he is merely aware of where it is if he tries. But beyond that, he wants nothing to do with it.
H E I G H T 6’0”
W E I G H T ~145-160lbs
B U I L D Lithe and lean, Denri is agile and long-limbed. A strong man, he has enough muscles for this to be clear, and a well-toned body from the exercise he gets, but he is rather too slim and straight to be a warrior and is certainly more towards the fast and enduring side than great strength. His shoulders aren’t that wide and he doesn’t stand with a dominating presence. He doesn’t have one, not like his brother. In fact, Denri could probably do with eating a bit more and filling out a little.
E Y E S Light brown, his eyes are often more wary and watchful than piercing, though there is a certain way he has of hardening them so as not to show his emotions that often makes his look more accusatory than he means it to be.
H A I R Black and cut short in a slightly less strict imitation of his brother. It is long enough to need a bit of combing out every now and then, but he couldn’t really do anything more with it even if he wanted to.
I D E N T I F I E R S He does have his left ear pierced, and wears an amber drop earring that is just large enough to show his wealth without it looking foolish. He only wears it when he is attending celebrations or festivities or some such thing where he should be dressed fancily.
A P P E A R A N C E Not an overly tall man, nor an overly large one, Denri does not have quite the presence that his brother has, but he’s learned to compensate. He has a certain flair about him that might, on another man, be called frippery. However, being a prince has its advantages and the only person who ever complained about his fashion sense was his father. But while he keeps up on the fashion trend, and often sets it himself, his tastes are by no means ostentatious, but are, rather, precise. He likes fine fabrics and expert stitching, with expensive dyes and the occasional embroidery about the hems, and, of course, anything that shows off his physique.
He is quite practiced at posing for effect, whether to make sure the right people notice him or to pretend a state of emotion other than his true feelings. Often, he hides lies behind bright smiles and gives others no more warning of a shift in his mood other than a dark flicker across his expression. Denri tries to show others the image of a confident, brash, somewhat spoiled young man and he seldom misses his mark. Mostly because that’s what he is. His voice is just as susceptible to his manipulations for good effect as his body and Denri can pitch it just right to be heard above a crowd or by one person alone. His speech has a surprising range of volume and expression, but it is most often a soft, amiable tenor with just enough force in it that no one is likely to forget that he is the king’s son.
+Celestria Hesenn. He appreciated her from the first moment he saw her and has come to love her a great deal since then.
+Being paid attention to. Ever since he was a child he’s loved being the centre of attention, if only because that means his brother isn’t. And he is willing to do just about anything to get that attention.
+His mother. She’s his mother, and she’s always given him the love and care his father hasn’t. She’s there for him, and so he’ll be there for her whenever he can.
+Music. Denri loves music. It is soothing and beautiful and untouchable. the sounds always seem to just wash over him and leave him feeling more peaceful than he’s ever managed on his own.
+Riding. He likes horses and he likes how fast they can run. They are beautiful animals and it is such a thrilling feeling to have them surging forward as they carry you along.
+Apples. They are nice and crispy when they’re fresh and the best ones are sweet and juicy too.
-His father. The man, as far as Denri is concerned, is an ass of colossal proportions. He doesn’t seem to understand the prize he won when he married Ceried’a and certainly doesn’t treat her right. He rarely has anything good to say about his sons and he hasn’t even bothered to do anything overly spectacular with his reign.
-Singing. So long as whoever’s doing the singing has a nice voice and isn’t being accompanied by music, he can tolerate it and doesn’t really mind too much. But as soon as someone starts playing an instrument alongside the voice, he’d much rather listen to the instrument than the singer. And he’ll make that desire plain.
-Water. Sure, it’s nice to drink and cool when the sun’s hot, but he doesn’t swim very well and doesn’t really like the feeling of being wet. Besides which, there are tastier things out there to quench one’s thirst with.
That he will have to take the throne if his brother dies.
Losing anything that he believes is his, by right or by claim, to his brother or his father or anyone else and being unable to win it back for himself.
He is a good leader, with a cunning mind to quickly think up all the possibilities and decide which one is most likely. And he knows what he’s capable of.
He hates sharing.
And he hates being the one to make the ultimate decision, upon whom all the blame can be laid. If ever such a thing happened, he’s well aware that he would freeze up from indecision and fail.
Denri has this way of looking someone straight on and then sort of letting his gaze slide sideways before bringing it back to meet their eyes. It isn’t really conscious on his part, he just does it, as though he’s judging whether they’re important enough to pay attention to, or wants to make sure there isn’t something else he ought to be looking more closely at or maybe because he has something to hide. It’s hard to tell with him.
To understand exactly what is going on with his parents’ sudden change in attitude, especially his mother’s.
To resolve the confusion in his mind over where his proper place is and what he feels about his newest revelation.
To make sure Celestria isn’t planning on abandoning him for his brother any time soon.
P E R S O N A L I T Y For most of his twenty years, Denri has lived spoilt by his mother, ignored by his father and in opposition against his brother. He has never wanted for anything other than attention. It is something he thrives on. If he can’t have it from his father, then he’ll have it from anyone else willing to give him a second glance. Denri gets that attention by being a brash, confident man with a sharp tongue, bright laugh and no fear of consequences. He’s become known as something of an opinionated stretcher of the truth, someone it’s easier to humour than argue with or ignore and most stop there. To them, he’s just a young man more full of bluster than experience and is relatively harmless. Although he does make a good fighter. The trouble is, he doesn’t stop there. There’s a little more to the prince than anyone knows, even his brother.
Everyone knows that Denri has a two-sided temper, on the one hand he is an amiable man, perhaps a bit quick with his sarcasm and his humour is a little on the stinging side, but it can be dealt with. On the other hand, he hates to be disobeyed or failed, and he never likes repeating himself. He has a malicious streak that most of the castle staff try to avoid when they can. He is prone to throwing a bit of a tantrum, albeit a quietly devastating one, when he doesn’t get his way. Especially because his father told him no. What he wants, he expects to receive, he is a prince and it is his right. Granted, he tempers his desires to achievable ones, he isn’t foolish enough to want what can’t be done, but he does like certain things to be just right. And if he tells someone what to do, he expects them to do it, and that confidence is clear in his manner and voice. The first time, he speaks calmly and to the point, he only speaks platitudes when they’ll get him what he wants.
Very rash and prone to jealous fits that often get taken to the extreme. Very confused. Spoiled enough by his mother that he sees only what is missing in his life rather than what is missing in anyone else’s life. He saw his father paying attention to Viss and not to him, but he rarely bothered to notice that that was a minimal enough attention. A bit of a rebelrouser because even when people are mad or upset with him, they are at least paying attention to him. Very self-aware.
Th'ormend Sa’achern---Father---Deceased
Ceried'a Sa'achern---Mother---35
Visserion Sa’achern---21
Adopted Sister---17
P L A C E . O F . B I R T H
Ingril, Carthonia
Born the second son of Th’ormend Sa’achern and his young queen, Ceried’a, Denri Rewn Sa’achern has not led a hard life. The only meals he ever missed were those his father denied him for misbehaving, and even that was rare. Not because Denri rarely misbehaved, oh no, he mastered being a brat right after he mastered walking. Mostly, it was because his father more usually just berated the boy or ignored his antics. And punishment never kept him down for long. He never went without shelter unless it was by his own choice and he hasn’t really ever had to work for his food, or to make a living.
At first, he found little to complain about with his life, he had his older brother to play with and a mother who was almost never too busy to spend time with him. Even when he grew old enough to understand how far apart in societal importance the slight age gap between him and his brother made them, he hardly thought anything of it. That was just the way of things. His brother a prince and heir to the throne and him just a prince. At least, until something happened to his brother. But that wasn’t likely, nothing bad ever happened to them.
For the most part, his childhood was shaped by petty sibling rivalry, Ceried’a’s love and the absence of his father’s. And it’s never really changed all that dramatically except in how he’s decided to react to each.
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